Sunday, October 10, 2010


My view on friends: Even your best friends, aren't.  This kinda applies to everyone's lives in some way shape or form. It specifically applies to mine like so: best friends are not really there for you. as a matter of fact, they change everything about themselves that makes you best friends with them FOR POPULARITY PURPOSES!!! and if that doesn't suck bad enough they then proceed to act like you are scum on a rock that they have never seen before. so as you can see, i do not trust people easily. apparently, three years of telling your intermost desires and secrets and truths doesn't make you best friends. to make things worse, now my be(a)st friend suddenly and miraculosly wants to become friends again! HA!!! N-O!!! trust is an easy thing to lose and a hard thing to earn back. so i have a couple of "friends" that i tell minor secrets to. do i tell big ones? no! do they tell me theirs? NO! so why do i tell them anything in the first place? i don't know. i guess that even when you know the stove is hot and after you have already burned yourself you want to see if it is still hot. YES IT IS!!! you are setting yourself up for heartache everytime you trust someone! boy/girl friends? n-o-p-e. worse than best friends. because once you cross the friendly kiss on the cheek line into kiss on the lips i love you always and forever line there is no going back. i have learned the hard way.i went out with my best friend, who happened to be a guy. ((told you best friends are bad)) so it was a little awkward at first. kinda like dating your older brother, i guess. but i wouldn't know, i am the oldest... anyway back on topic, once wwe got used to it, i thought that it was better when we were just friends and so i tried to break it off. if at first you don't succeed, try try again. so i did. and i did again. and again. but as said, once tthe line is crossed, once you go to the point of no return, there is absolutely NO GOING BACK!!! so now we hate each other. now wasn't that a wonderful story? i'd like to think so... anyway, my advice on friends is simple: if you trust someone you are setting yourself up for a boatload of pain. so don't is the easiest way of avoiding physically, mental and emotional injury. i am sorry if this crushingly true blog depressed you, but i speak the truth and we all know that the truth is brutal.


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